Create support among employees and set the grounds for a feedback culture! Read more: Performance Reviews time? Or not? The questionable value of appraisal interviews We often hear from our customers... read more →
How effective is the annual appraisal performance reviews really? Are employees motivated or is it counterproductive? More and more organizations are questioning the traditional appraisal interview and some even decided... read more →
Employee satisfaction is an important topic to take into account within an organization. It often does not happen automatically and must be paid attention to keeping employees satisfied and involved... read more →
What goes wrong in the relationship between performance management and reviews? First, there are no positive expectations concerning the current method. Everyone is expecting yearly appraisals. As a result, this... read more →
Real-time feedback is gaining in popularity and annual review is slowly disappearing. The annual assessment often takes place at the end of the year, but does not appear to be... read more →
While new feedback culture requires continuous feedback for employees, more and more companies are therefore using handy tools and apps with which employees can inquire and provide feedback. Nevertheless, the... read more →
This blog post analyzes a hot HR topic within organizations: assessment, development and feedback. What goes wrong with performance reviews? What goes wrong and why does no one look forward... read more →
During these uncertain times, the whole world is experiencing a new reality because of COVID-19. A lot of businesses have been affected and are trying to adapt under these new... read more →
Now more than ever, more and more companies worldwide understand the importance of performance management as a key for an effective organization. Thus, they have decided to incorporate it into... read more →
We are almost at the end of 2019, which means it is high time to get ready for 2020. TruQu has researched the latest and greatest HR trends so that... read more →